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Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

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'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.


    Tue 17 Jan 2017

    An Assessor from Warwickshire Local Authority recently visited Harris CofE Academy to review the school’s e-safety provision. The Assessor met school staff, parents and carers, Governors and students and was pleased to find that the school provides a high level of protection for users of the new technologies.

    Warwickshire LA provides the internet connection and a range of other services to schools across the county and is in the forefront of national developments in e-safety.  To enhance these services, they have supported the use of the South West Grid for Learning online tool to help schools address e-safety issues, not least the recent changes to Ofsted inspections, which include a stronger focus on safeguarding. The online tool allows schools to evaluate their e-safety policy and practice and then suggests how the school might do more to protect young people and staff.

    To apply for the 360°safe E-Safety Mark, schools have to reach a series of benchmark levels when they complete the online self review. The evidence is then verified by a visit from experienced Assessors. 

    The prime benefit of using the review and applying for the E-Safety Mark is that it does not focus on the individual aspects of e-safety such as technological solutions, but instead it integrates e-safety into school policy and the curriculum, challenging teachers and managers in the school to think about their provision and its continual evolution. 

    Schools are expected to show that they have provided a high standard of e-safety education and awareness for all staff, students and also for parents and carers, to ensure that these users of the new technologies can be safe online – whether they are in school, in their homes or out and about using mobile phones or other handheld devices. 

    Sarah Fitzgerald, Assessor for the 360°safe E-Safety Mark congratulated the school on its success and commented that it was re-assuring to know that the school had put a lot of thought and effort into improving the online safety of the staff and young people, by addressing these important safeguarding issues.


    Download a copy of the E-Safety Report


    Mon 16 Jan 2017

    Harris Academy students are taking part in an IET Faraday Challenge Day (FCD) on Friday 10th February. The students will become real-life engineers for a day when they research, design and build solutions to real engineering problems as part of the Institution of Engineering and Technology's  (IET) Faraday Challenge Day.


    One-hundred and forty-seven school and sponsored events are taking place across the UK to host 2016/17 IET Faraday Challenge Days.

    36 year 8 students will work in teams of 6 to compete to find the best solution to an engineering-related challenge. The events are free of charge and set up by IET staff and volunteers.


    Holly Margerison-Smither, IET Faraday Education Manager said: "Students who take part in the Faraday Challenge Days this year will experience working as an engineer through hands-on and practical engagement with real-life challenges relating to the Land Rover BAR team in the hope that tis will give them an insight into the real life of a real engineer, the variety a career in engineering can offer and the central role it plays in our everyday lives.


    "There is a huge demand for new engineers and technicians and we are confident that this will challenge young people's perceptions of engineers and inspire a new generation with digital technology."


    The events aim to encourage more young people to study and consider exciting and rewarding careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) by using creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills.

    Each team member in the winning group will be awarded a prize and a trophy for their school.


    Over the year the top five teams from across the UK will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the national final in 2017 to compete for a cash prize of up to £1,000 for their school.


    The Faraday Challenge Days are part of a wider Faraday education programme, made up of a whole host of teaching resources and activities to inspire and attract the engineers of tomorrow.


    Wed 11 Jan 2017

    Harris Academy’s leading acting students set new records collecting three silver medals for our first Grade 7 entrants, one bronze medal and six distinctions in recent LAMDA examinations. Students’ unprecedented achievement was guided with the support of Head of Performing Arts Chris Browning and leading LAMDA practitioner Trisha Davies. Tricia, who has taught LAMDA for over 30 years said, ‘The Harris Academy is highly unusual in giving students the opportunity and training to do LAMDA exams as part of a state school programme. Obtaining more Distinctions than Merits with the unusually high marks at all levels is an outstanding achievement bearing comparison to any school (private or state) nationwide!’


    Jake P who achieved a Grade 7 and silver medal for Musical Theatre said,‘ LAMDA is proof that hard work pays off. LAMDA is also a fun way to get UCAS points!’


    Deputy Head-girl Charlotte H said, ‘I have loved my LAMDA experience. I now believe I can do anything I set my mind to; it just takes hard work. Without LAMDA, I doubt that I would have the confidence I have today.