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Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page

Birmingham Popular Maths Lecture - 27 January (Advanced GCSE Maths Students)

The emergent rhythms of health and disease: where mathematics, biology and medicine meet

Professor John Terry

Wednesday 27th January 7pm

Rhythms are everywhere! In this talk I will introduce many of the rhythms that we take for granted and consider how mathematics can help us to understand them. I will focus on two important areas: stress, and how our body responds to stressors, and epilepsy, a serious neurological condition that affects 1% of the global population. In each case, I will describe some of the common rhythms that ensure our bodies and minds respond appropriately, as well as exploring – using mathematics – what can go wrong.

Click here to register for the event