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Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page

Religious Studies

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Year 07
Introduction to Religion and World views approach
What is religion and how can we define it?Why do some people inhabit a theistic world view while others reject it?UC 3.1 If God is Trinity, what does that mean for Christians?UC 3.2 Should Christians be greener than everyone else?UC 3.2 Should Christians be greener than everyone else?
Year 08
Introduction to Religion and World views approach
Why might living in harmony be so important with Muslim world views?Is religion always a force for good?UC What do we do when life gets hard?Are peace and reconciliation essential for living well locally and globally?Are peace and reconciliation essential for living well locally and globally?
Year 09Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment Christian BeliefsChristian BeliefsHuman Rights and Social Justice Human Rights and Social Justice 
Year 10Jewish BeliefsChristian Beliefs Religion and Life Religion and Life Jewish Practices Jewish Practices 
Year 11Christian Practices Christian Practices Relationships and Families Relationships and Families Exam Prep & Revision 
Religious Studies at Harris Church of England Academy aims to engage students in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.  
Our curriculum is and based on the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus utilising aspects of the ‘Understanding Christianity’ scheme of work. Our curriculum is diverse and will give students the opportunity to explore and reflect upon different religions and worldviews, as well as encouraging an exploration of their own spirituality and beliefs.  Religious Studies at Harris will give students a safe place in which to discuss, debate and evaluate big life questions, as well as introduce them to the skills and methods required to question and evaluate the world around them. 


Religious Studies at Harris Church of England Academy aims to engage students in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.  


Our curriculum is and based on the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus utilising aspects of the ‘Understanding Christianity’ scheme of work. Our curriculum is diverse and will give students the opportunity to explore and reflect upon different religions and worldviews, as well as encouraging an exploration of their own spirituality and beliefs.  Religious Studies at Harris will give students a safe place in which to discuss, debate and evaluate big life questions, as well as introduce them to the skills and methods required to question and evaluate the world around them. 



Religious Studies makes a significant contribution to both the spiritual, moral, social and cultural education and the Christian Distinctiveness of Harris Church of England Academy. We encourage students to think about others and the part we as individuals play in the world in order to ‘do good to all’ (Galatians 6:10).


We do this as part of the curriculum in studying religion and the impact on the individual, but we also consider some thought provoking and difficult topics e.g. death and the afterlife, as well as considering our responsibility to others in all parts of the world.


Religious Studies contributes to the character development of all our students and will encourage them to develop spiritually and to work with each other to build a community of shared values and to discover life in all its fullness (John 10:10).