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Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page

Computer Science


It is our mission in Computer Science to prepare students for jobs that do not exist, using software which has not yet been created, to solve problems that have not yet become a problem. As embodied in Galatians 6:10 'Whilst we have time, let us do good to all', we aim for our students to feel part of the digital world, and feel prepared for further study in this field. In Computer Science we are strongly committed to empowering our learners to work independently, and with aspiration, being comfortable trying out new things. Our aims are to introduce theoretical perspectives in computing which inspire, and encourage learners to find out more, and to encourage our learners to think logically, and write/debug code. We also encourage sociability with team working towards a solution, as is what would happen in a coding workplace.


KS3 Curriculum

Content is delivered during 1 lesson a week in modules and covers a range of skills including applications software, e-safety and digital literacy and coding.


KS4 Curriculum

Learners who have chosen Computer Science as an option subject in year 8, will begin one of two courses in year 9, and will complete it within a year. They will have intensive study, with six hours a week. This is very much the best way to learn coding, and theoretical practices, as they are both concepts which need to be revisited often. 


Computer Science

Our aim is that all learners have made sufficient progress to be entered for the Edexcel qualification in Computer Science. This course has two examinations, each one making up 50% of the overall grade. These are sat in the summer, and are traditional exam paper style, with a mixture of multiple choice, long, and short answers. Additionally, at present, the students design, create, and test a program which solves a given problem. This is under review with OFQUAL though, and may change in the future.  One idea they are looking at is having an online coding exam.


Certificate in IT User Skills

Our aim is to prepare students to progress to similar courses at a higher level or employment and encourage engagement in their learning. They will gain a variety of IT skills, including the use of hardware, software and mobile IT devices, and have an awareness of computer security and privacy. The qualification is assessed through coursework assignments and there is no exam. At the end of each unit of learning, students will be set an assignment which they must pass to enable them to gain the final qualification. This ensures that students are able to achieve towards their final qualification throughout the course without the stress of a terminal exam. Each coursework assignment is set in a real world context and requires the student to complete activities and produce evidence.


SMSC in ICT/Computing


Spiritual Development in ICT/Computing

Students are continually reflecting on their own lives and the lives of others as they look at various case studies. Students debate and formulate their own set of values and beliefs through case studies and as they share their own experiences. 


Computing provides opportunities for reflection of awe and wonder about the achievements in ICT today and the possibilities for the future.


ICT lets students have the opportunity to reflect on how computers can sometimes perform better in certain activities than people.


To promote students’ spiritual development, their sense of self and their will to achieve, the computing department continually takes the opportunity to praise students for their contribution in lessons.


Moral Development in ICT/Computing

Computing helps students to explore aspects of real and imaginary situations and enables them to reflect on the possible consequences of different actions and situations. It can raise issues such as whether it is morally right to have computer games whose aim is killing and violence, and whether it is fair that some people in this country and in other countries cannot use the internet.


Through real life case studies, students consider issues surrounding the misuse and access rights to personal data, e-waste and the digital divide. The use of case studies in ICT encourages students to draw conclusions through evidence rather than their preconceptions whilst allow the students the time to reflect on the origins of their own personal perceptions of a topic.


Pupils consider the effects of social networking and the consequences of cyber bullying, they also consider the legal aspects of ICT including the Data Protection Act, Computer Misuse Act and Copyright legislation. They consider the implications of file sharing and downloading illegally and the penalties for engaging in this type of activity. Pupils also consider the moral aspects of developments in technology including the use of CCTV camera, Speed Cameras and Loyalty Cards.


In Computing pupils will learn about the threats to data and the need for cyber-security, they will also consider social engineering and the use of malware discussing the effects of these threats on society as a whole


Social Development in ICT/Computing

As part of the computing curriculum students are taught to think and produce work that reflects the needs of diverse audiences within our community and the wider community.

As students develop their skills in a range of software they are challenged to work in groups to find solutions whilst developing respect for the ideas and opinions of others in their team. This is particularly prevalent in the design phase of tasks given. In addition students are encouraged to develop their team working skills through collaborative work and research. The students also explore the concept of teams and the roles that individuals have to play.


Computing can also help all students to express themselves clearly and to communicate. As students’ progress through their learning they will consider more complex social needs and are encouraged to research and work collaboratively to find appropriate solutions to issues that may affect particular groups within society


Cultural Development in ICT/Computing

Pupils explore how developments in technology have changed our culture, particularly the rise in social networking sites and the ability to communicate instantly across National and International borders.


Computational thinking encourages students to develop and explore their problem solving skills. Computing empowers students to apply their ICT and computing skills and to gain knowledge of how programming links between subjects for instance maths.


Computing involves the breaking through of linguistic and cultural barriers. It is possible to e-mail or chat across the world and to word process in the mother tongue.


Whilst studying various aspects of computing students are asked to reflect on how different cultures are portrayed on the internet and why or who is portraying them in this way. Students are also challenged to think about how differing cultures access and use the internet and what implications this has on the individual and the culture.