'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'
Our school Chaplain Helen
I am the new school Chaplain, my name is Helen Bryant.
A chaplaincy is a particular form of ministry, a particular vocation, and a calling to serve in a particular religious role. My ministry, my calling is my way of living out my Christian faith. As the Chaplain of the Harris, I believe the aim of Chaplaincy is to be able to walk alongside everyone within this community, students and staff. I am here to listen to your stories, answer your questions, and answer them if I can, and if I can’t help us find a way together.
I’m here for you to tell me your worries, and to celebrate your successes. I’m here to pray with you and for you if that is something you’d like me to do.
At the Harris Chaplaincy, you will find an inclusive, warm welcome should you wish to come and find it.
The Chaplaincy is open to those of all faiths and none and will find a warm welcome and a space to be. We work closely with members of other Christian denominations who come into school. It is also used for mentoring and support sessions which are led by the Chaplain, and members of Rugby Youth for Christ and Rugby Methodist Church.
Our Christian Union meets once a week for friendship and discussions ranging from faith and prayer, to simply providing a space for friendship and quiet time. These are led by a member of staff, students, or visiting speakers. There are also regular services of morning and evening prayer which are held every week and all are welcome.