Science | ||||||
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Year 07 | Survival in the Arctic | Healthy living | The Earth I | The Earth I | Space | Space |
Year 08 | The Earth II | Waves and communication | Great discoveries (Electricity & magnetism) | Great discoveries | Plant investigation | Reproduction and Genetics |
Year 09 | Life processes | Energy and Electricity Atoms, periodic table and bonding | Plants, Cells and microscopes | Forces | Chemical reactions II | Waves and communication |
Year 10 | Teacher A: Chemistry paper 1 Teacher B: Biology paper 1 | Teacher A: Chemistry paper 1 Teacher B: Biology paper 1 | Teacher A: Physics paper 1 Teacher B: Biology paper 1 | Teacher A: Physics paper 1 Teacher B: Biology paper 1 | Physics paper 1 | Biology paper 2 (Ecology only) |
Year 11 | Teacher A: Biology paper 2 Teacher B: Chemistry paper 2 Teacher C: Physics paper 2 | Teacher A: Biology paper 2 Teacher B: Chemistry paper 2 Teacher C: Physics paper 2 | Paper 1 Revision | Exam perparation | Exam preparation | |
Our science curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge, core skills, passion and curiosity needed to become informed and responsible citizens in an ever changing world. Our KS3 is set up to inspire students to consider how and why certain aspects of our world around them work as they do. In addition to foundational knowledge we enhance their scientific literacy, numeracy, practical and evaluative skills they need to go on to be competent scientists in the future. "In KS4 Students build on their foundational knowledge, delving deeper into more complex theories and applications. They are encouraged to think independently, conduct more sophisticated experiments, and develop higher-order thinking skills." | ||||||
The Science Department is strong, enthusiastic and forward-looking, characterised by the significant levels of extra help given to students throughout each year in order to maximise their chances of success at all levels.
The department belief is that Science is a relevant and necessary part of life and we ensure that students we teach become fully scientifically literate.
The intent our curriculum is to develop students who leave school with an appreciation of Science in the real world. Achieving this through problem solving, investigating and questioning. Thus creating a learning environment to inspire and aspire.
Sometimes Science and spiritual ideas cause conflict but in a modern society it is important to understand why these conflicts arise so we can respect the views of others, rather than allow misunderstanding to cause antagonism and conflict.
Science deals with issues such as Evolution and the Origin of the Universe from an entirely neutral standpoint, utilising only the hard evidence for such theories. Theories are evaluated and criticised from a Scientific perspective rather than a Spiritual one in order that students can gain an understanding of such theories without giving conflict to their own personal belief systems – always the aim is to ensure pupils gain an understanding of the theories involved. From this approach it is often seen that Science is able to stand alongside the spiritual beliefs of many. This is looked at often from a neutral stand point within science lessons.
Some of the areas in which spiritual development is enhanced through Science include:
- The impact of waves (Tsunamis and Earthquakes) in Physics
- Evolution in Biology
- The Big Bang Theory in Physics
- The miracle of birth in human biology
- The use of stem cells in reproductive research and the cure for inherited diseases
- Genetically modified crops
- The impact of pollution on our planet
- The impact of drug misuse
Progress often brings with it moral dilemma. As we become better able to influence or change things through our understanding of Science, we create the potential for moral conflict with the views of those who prefer not to see such change enacted. By giving students a thorough grounding in some of the developments and issues, we hope to enable students to form their own, valid, conclusions regarding the morality of the use of scientific advances. Moral development is a vital part of any student’s development. Students will need to develop a good understanding of moral and ethical dilemma not only to pass their exams but also to further their development as a person.
Some of the areas where moral development is enhanced in Science include:
- Human impact upon our planet and environment
- Should we colonise Mars?
- The ethics of human organ transplantation
- The debate on the use of alternative energy forms (impact of wind farms or the use of bio fuels)
- The safety of nuclear fuels and reactors.
- Animal rights
Science is changing our society and an ever-increasing population is greatly exacerbating this. Longer life-expectancy and uncontrolled population growth are putting ever increasing demands on resources. The advances within Science that have both led to this problems and helped to alleviate them are studied and students, through their understanding of such, will be able to further their own development and views, taking into account Scientific fact and being able to judge what is correct and what is hyperbole or simply wrong, as well as developing the ability to check things out for themselves, in order to further their own social development.
Some areas where Social development is enhanced in Science include:
- The use of mobile phones and smart technology
- Limestone quarrying
- Listening to the viewpoints of different scientific groups and politicians
- Developing the ability to take a full and active part in lessons
- The nuclear debate pro and cons
- Fossil fuels v biofuels
- Should we colonise Mars?
Scientific development comes from all across the world, from people of all backgrounds and cultures. Science is a subject that transcends boundaries and borders and has done so throughout history. Students are given a cultural awareness of the contributions of different nations to Science as the history of some major developments are studied.