English | ||||||
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Year 07 | Homer's The Odyssey | Myths and Legends Poetry | Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' | Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' | Introduction to rhetoric - Aristotle Ethos Logos Pathos | Short Stories and Fiction Writing |
Year 08 | Fiction: Lois Lowry's 'The Giver' | Romantic Poetry | Drama: Dominic Cooke's Arabian Nights | Creator Archetype: transformational writing | Developing rhetoric - Cicero Teach Move Delight | Short Stories and Fiction Writing |
Year 09 | Fiction: Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart' | Poetry of Other Cultures | Villains in Shakespeare | Genre Writing - Gothic | Refining rhetoric - Qunitillian Five Canons of rhetoric + satire | Short Stories & Fiction Writing |
Year 10 | Fiction: Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol | GCSE English Language Paper 1 | Power and Conflict poetry | Power and Conflict poetry - Power + GCSE English Language Paper 2 | Fiction: George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' | Language Paper 2 & Speaking and Listening |
Year 11 | Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' | Literature Paper 1 and Language Paper 1 Revision | Literature Paper 2 and Language Paper 2 Revision | Literature Paper 2 and Language Paper 2 Revision | Targetted Revision | |
The Harris English curriculum intends to develop critical thinkers, fluent readers and imaginative writers by having students explore a range of high quality texts. Our knowledge-engaged approach also seeks to expose students to a variety of ideas, concepts and perspectives which encourages them to build on prior knowledge in order to support them to formulate and develop their own thoughts and self-expression. | ||||||
The English curriculum at Harris Church of England Academy is centred on transformation, personal development, deep experience and deep learning for all students. We understand the importance for our 21st century learners that we embed skills for transference cross-curricular, provide a comprehensive programme of enrichment and extension activities, encourage partnerships and contributions in the community and place an emphasis on Literacy; the key to ensure learning is relevant for the work place and to access all learning. We strive to provide positive and enjoyable experiences which are not just relevant now but always, to personalise and maximise the potential in all students to surpass aspirations and provide a liberalised education; developing the department’s culture of learning for its own sake to liberate students from their own limitations and strive for personal excellence.
Content is delivered in half termly modules using a core scheme of work. Modules studied in KS3 include a prose text, non-fiction texts, a range of poetry, media and Shakespeare.
Students develop their Reading, Writing and Communication skills throughout Years 10 and 11, culminating in two GCSEs: English Language and English Literature.
Students prepare for AQA English Language and English Literature which consist of 100% external examinations. These units cover a range of texts and allow students to demonstrate their understanding of key literacy skills, the study of literary works, as well as their own creativity.
Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Writing and Reading.
Students respond to one literature fiction text and produce a piece of descriptive or narrative writing. (50%)
Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives.
Students respond to one non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text. They will also produce a piece of writing presenting a viewpoint. (50%)
Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th century novel.
Students answer a question on a Shakespeare play and novel. They respond to extracts as well as the text as a whole. (40%)
Paper 2: Modern texts and poetry.
Students respond to an essay question from a modern prose or drama text. Students will also compare poems they have studied as well as unseen poems.
The English Department are proud to offer a range of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural experiences through English lessons and extra-curricular activities. Visits to the theatre and historical towns such as Stratford Upon Avon extend spiritual, moral, social and cultural appreciation and understanding of society. Students express their creativity and understanding of other cultures through their study of literature and non-fiction texts. Competitions and clubs are offered to allow students to develop and showcase their skills, knowledge and experiences through SMSC in English.