'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'
Collective worship
Collective Worship is an integral part of the spiritual and religious life at Harris. It is hoped that through both tutor time worship and whole school collective worship, students and staff are invited to come together, for space so that they may develop their own inner spiritual life as well as developing the spiritual religious life of the school.
Our values are linked with each act of collective worship. Students are actively encouraged to lead and be involved in the planning of worship. It is a space within which students can develop spiritually and develop an awareness of themselves and those around them. Through gathering together to listen to a speaker, or reflecting on music and ideas through discussion in tutor worship time is given to the more philosophical and reflective nature of worship.
The whole school meets for Collective Worship at the beginning of every term and Key Stages meet every other week on a Friday afternoon, this includes prayer time, the singing of hymns, and reflection on key topics and questions. As a Church of England school, we follow the church’s year and where appropriate follow the lectionary. Opportunity is given for celebration and joy within the school community and it is hoped that students and staff are sent out from their week with a sense of peace and calm.
Our students are encouraged to speak on issues or life events to highlight the diversity of God’s creation in our community. Collective worship that has been led and planned by students has included a focus on tourettes, cerebral palsy, and a worship session highlighting Spondylitis Awareness Month where a student performed a song she composed about her struggles with the illness.
Year Group Collective worship gives another chance for the students to come together as a worshipping community. Heads of Year will address issues relevant to the year group and again, time is given for reflection.
Tutor Time Collective Worship happens daily, there is a chance for discussion, for prayer as well as for student involvement in leading the worship and reading both Bible passages and prayers. We have a focus on scripture with ‘I wonder’ questions and time for contemplative ways of worshipping is given through a chance to reflect and discuss.
Collective Worship is valued by students and staff alike and we are extremely lucky to be able to build and grow our community in this way and hope that worship will help us all to feel more greatly a part of our Harris Family.
School Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We thank you for our school and its vision, and pray that our values will have an impact on our lives and help us to walk in the right way. May we do good to all, in word and in deed.
Help students, staff and parents come together to make our school a place of peace and tranquility for better education for us and for future generations of this, our Harris Family.
This we ask in the name of God that is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Harris Worship Reps
Each tutor group has at least one Worship Rep.
Taking an active role in Tutor Time Collective Worship
Using the cross/candle to help the Tutor create an atmosphere of worship
Meeting with the Chaplain to evaluate and discuss collective worship
Being involved in Whole School Collective Worship
Delivering the reading
Helping to carry in the cross
Leading the whole school in prayer
Suggesting themes for the future: being involved in the planning and helping to shape Collective Worship at Harris