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Harris Church of England Academy home page

Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page


Call out to employers and volunteers!


We are keen to work with both local and national employers to ensure that our students to have as many encounters as possible with employers. This is important to help them to make informed future decisions and to ensure that they are equipped with the skills employers are looking for.


We welcome any volunteers into the Academy who are happy to support us with our many careers events, such as mock interviews, support with work experience placements, careers assemblies, careers workshops, the Big Bang Fair, the careers fair, mentoring etc. 


Should you wish to find out more information or volunteer, please contact us via


Thank you to all of you for your continued support! 

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Our Careers Programme


This page will be updated with the next academic years events soon. Please contact us to find out more.


Autumn Term

Assemblies (Y11)

We welcome colleges, apprenticeship providers, sixths forms and employers to present to our Year 11 students in an assembly.


7 and 8 December 2023

Mock Interviews (Y11)

We offer all of our Year 11 students the opportunity to have a mock interview with representatives from companies, education/training providers etc. We welcome you to attend one or both days.


7 February 2024

Careers Fair

Following the success of this event last year, we will be moving to a bigger space in the school for our Careers Fair in 2024. We’d love to fill it with representatives from varied career, training and educational pathways.


8 March 2024

International Women’s Day (Y8)

We would like to invite inspirational women to provide a talk or Q&A to our students.


8 May 2024

Career Detectives (Y7)

Students will attempt to guess your job by asking questions that have a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.


20 – 24 May 2024

Work Experience (Y10)

Could you offer a work experience placement for the week for one of our Year 10 students?


3 July 2024

Big Bang Fair (Y7-10 & primary)

STEM day filled with amazing science and engineering activities, workshops and stalls. Harris students and local primary schools will visit the fair.