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Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page


Harris Curriculum Intent

Is embodied in Galatians (6:10): ‘Whilst we have time, let us do good to all’ as we aim to develop Harris students through a knowledge-engaged curriculum, underpinned by our Harris Values:



A curriculum that builds tolerance and mutual respect for all within the context of British values.



To implement an aspirational and challenging curriculum which appropriately prepares learners for the next stage in their learning journey.



Students to take an active role in their learning, commit key knowledge to memory and recognise that they are accountable for their own success.



For students to live out our intent of ‘whilst we have time let us do good to all.’



To inspire and encourage our students to be the best that they can be.



For students to be well balanced, confident citizens ready to access the world around them.


Key Stage 3 - Year 7-9 Curriculum

In all subjects, students will complete Key Stage 3 studies, whilst laying firm foundations of key knowledge for GCSE success.
In English, Mathematics and Science, students are placed in sets, according to their ability and as determined by their Key Stage 2 outcomes and progress in primary school. In the case of students who did not sit their SATs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we set according to the results of the GL Assessment CAT4 tests that students sat in the Autumn term of year 7.

We also have dedicated literacy within the Key Stage 3 curriculum. We strongly believe that for students to achieve success, the core learning must be valued and secure. In year 8, students may be reset according to progress made in year 7. During Year 9 students will experience some GCSE content across a wide range of subjects available to them at KS4 and will be asked to consider their GCSE courses of study.

The options process is designed to involve and fully inform parents/carers in what is an important decision in a student’s time at the Academy. Students will choose one language and one humanities subject along with another from a range available. We combine this with careers advice and information about subjects and possible future pathways.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum

Our current year 9 and 10 students study a 1-year GCSE curriculum model introduced in 2019 in order to provide the widest possible range of options to our students. This model aims to reduce the pressure and stress felt at the end of year 11 and to maximise the impact of our teaching hours for the outcomes of our students. They have 6 hours a week of teaching on this option before sitting this GCSE exam at the end of year 9. They then repeat this model in year 10 and 11 for a second and third option.
If considered ready, students sit English Language GCSE at the end of year 10, enabling students to focus on English Literature and their remaining subjects in Year 11.
Due to the impact on students’ experience of education and the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we have halted the one-year model above to enable students more time to develop the confidence and core knowledge required to be successful at Key Stage 4. We recognise that in order to ensure that students experience the full breadth of the curriculum they need a further year. This means that students will select their options in year 9, having had a longer experience of a wider range of subjects to make informed choices. They then study a language, humanities subject and another option alongside English, Maths, Science and RS. This enables all students to access the EBaccalaureate - the suite of subjects regarded by many employers and higher education providers as the best basis for future success.

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects below (for extra-curricular activities click click here). Please note that this curriculum is constantly developed to respond to students’ needs and is being completely re-designed for September to adjust to the extended Key Stage 3 model.