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Harris Church of England Academy home page

Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page

Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Duke of Edinburgh Award Manager   Mr D Unwin 


Assistant Manager Miss G Keenan (PE)


See the Google Classroom for meetings schedule


Key Dates for 2024/25


April 7th Onsite Training Day Bronze

April 8th Onsite Training Day Silver


May 3rd -4th  Bronze Practice Expedition in Local Area

June 13th-14th Bronze Qualifying Expedition in Local Area


May 23rd-25th Silver Practice Expedition  Peak District, Derbyshire

July 4-6th Silver Qualifying Expedition  Long Mynd,  Shropshire


Further training after school will be required with dates to follow soon. 



Parent's Q and A presentation October 2024

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'


Welcome to the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.


The DofE is an internationally recognised organisation that provides young people aged 13-25 with the opportunity to develop a range of life skills.


The programme has been running for several years at Harris CofE Academy and we are proud to be able to offer places on the Bronze to Year 9 students and the Silver award to Year 10 students. The dates scheduled for both Bronze and Silver programmes can be found on the calendar.


For more information please use the links below.

Start your Bronze DofE video presentation

Narrated by Chris from the DofE South East team.