Business Studies
It is our mission in Business to prepare students for their role as stakeholders in the future by preparing them for the changing needs of industry, commerce and public services, and to enable them to progress to further study in this, or other vocational areas. Our aims are to encourage students to become knowledgeable citizens of the future, who are able to analyse and evaluate information and data and reach reasoned conclusions. To achieve these aims, we encourage students to develop the practical skills and personal qualities relevant to all aspects of working life, assisting them to be confident and flexible in their response to the changing demands of business and society.
KS4 Curriculum
Well, most of us will have to work! This Business course offers students a taster into the most important management fields, which will introduce them to concepts and issues concerning the activities of a business. They will explore the purpose and role of a business from first spotting an enterprising opportunity through to the growth of an established business. They will also take a closer look at the role of particular business functions and how they influence business decisions and activity. Finally, students will learn how to draw together knowledge, skills and understanding from the different parts of the course and apply what they have learned in a variety of business contexts.
Students can choose Business as an option from Year 10 and will study 3 units Business Activity, Marketing and People in the first term, a further 3 units, Operations, Finance and Influences on Business in the second term and in the final term will bring together everything that they have learned enabling them to take an holistic approach to business decisions.
The course is assessed via two exam papers of equal weighting. The exams include multiple choice questions as well as short, medium and extended response questions which use stimulus material drawing on real business contexts.
SMSC in Business
Business Studies allows a lot of discussion about SMSC throughout the syllabus. Many typical exam questions allow the students to make a recommendation and then justify it with a balanced argument. Often this involves students balancing ethical and environmental issues against cost and profit thereof.
Spiritual Development in Business
Through the discussion of employment laws and recruitment students are encouraged to explore sexism, racism and discrimination in the workplace and the implications on businesses. They are encouraged to reflect on their own lives and express their own opinions, feelings and outlook, reflecting upon topics such as ethics. They are encouraged to explore these concepts and challenge the actions that businesses choose to and should take. This helps students develop empathy and compassion and allows them to consider other people’s aims, values, principles and beliefs.
Moral Development in Business
Why do some companies adopt ethical practices whilst others do not? What is the difference between minimum wage and living wage? Is it ethical for a business to outsource manufacturing to countries with poor human rights? These are some of the questions that are addressed in Business. Students are required to evaluate, comment upon and discuss various moral issues relating to business practices through observations and case studies. They will consider these moral and ethical dilemmas and apply their understanding in order to make valid judgements. A large proportion of time is spent investigating the impact of the actions of business upon society and the local community in which they operate e.g. considering the political, social, environmental and technological issues arising as a result of business decisions.
Social Development in Business
Collaborative research and presentation on a range of projects encourages the students to develop their team working skills.They also explore the concept of teams and the roles that individuals have to play and how this can impact a business. A key part of the course is to look at the impact businesses have upon the different stakeholders who have an interest in the way that a business operates. Students will also explore social enterprises and appreciate that not all people go into business just to make money for themselves.
Working in conjunction with industry and commerce, the department promotes in students a positive and proactive attitude towards their academic achievement and personal conduct in order to maximise each individual’s potential in the working world. We like our students to work in a “business-like” manner and expect a pleasant working environment.
Cultural Development in Business
Newspaper and television headlines offer continual reminders of how relevant and of how much interest the business world is to us all. In recent years much attention has been directed to such issues as recession, the rise and fall of the pound (£) and Brexit to name but a few. Most recently the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on businesses across the world and the repercussions will have a lasting impact on the way businesses operate as well as unemployment. Longer term issues continue to hit the headlines too; business and the environment, Japanese companies investing in the UK and the impact of new technologies on business and working lives. All these issues are relevant to our subject area.
Business Education is also about Enterprise. That means it is about trying to prepare and encourage young people to take the risks necessary to start up and run their own businesses – hopefully creating wealth for themselves and society as a whole. Again, the recent pandemic has seen the British Government invest heavily in start-ups which drive innovation and development to support COVID-19.
Throughout the course students are given the chance to see how the functions of a business operate. They will look at the changes within society and see how they may impact businesses. Studying UK trade including partners, the issues of the EU and trade agreements and our reliance on global business trade, students will explore their impact upon UK business activity. They will also investigate the issues of unemployment and economic factors relating to businesses and think about the costs and benefits to society and the wider community as a result of business decisions.