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Harris Church of England Academy home page

Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page




The Oakes 2024


Our annual Christian Union trip to the Oakes takes place on 8-10 March 2024.  Please see the PowerPoint slides below for information regarding this year's trip including travel arrangements, pick up and drop off arrangements and packing lists. 


If you have any questions please contact Mr D Unwin on

Wellbeing Days 2023


Year 10 and 11 Friday February 10th

Year 7,8 and 9 Friday May 19th


As part of our celebrations of Mental Health Week in May and Children's Mental Health Week in February we will be running two Wellbeing Days at the end of each of these weeks.  Students will be off timetable for the day while they participate in workshops and activities based on the 5 ways to wellbeing.  


Connect; Get Active;  Be Mindful; Give to Others; Learn new Things


Students will undertake workshops learning more about how to maintain their mental health and wellbeing.  Year 10 will experience workshops from Coventry and Warwickshire Mind along with sessions from paralympic athletes in wheelchair basketball.  Year 11 will have sessions from martial arts schools and elite gymnasts.  They will also build on their revision skills and learn how to reduce the impact of anxiety on their exam preparation.  


The Big Umbrella Project


The project is offered by Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and designed to support the mental health of our young people.  Please take a look at the documents below for more information.   The workshops will take place as part of our Wellbeing Day at the end of Children's Mental Health Week on February 10th 2023