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Harris Church of England Academy home page

Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page





At Harris Academy we continue to promote a rich culture of literacy and we are now looking forward to providing an engaging cross curricular experience for all on World Book Day, Thursday 5th March.


This year, the student Literacy Leaders have chosen the theme of Harry Potter. Therefore, all students and staff and aspects of the curriculum will link to Hogwarts in some way that day. World Book day has always been embraced by the whole community at Harris and we wish to see this not just continue but thrive.

Just like past World Book Days, this year will also include dressing up. This can be any character from the series of books or spin offs such as The Tales of Beadle the Bard. However, we must enforce that there are no ‘muggles’ allowed at Hogwarts, therefore students will not simply be allowed to wear their own clothes that day. Rather, if they do not want to wear fancy dress, they should wear their full school uniform (which is much like that of Hogwarts!) If this is the case, an option to still participate is to make a badge for their equivalent House of Hogwarts. Designs can be found online, even printable versions.


  • Canterbury= Gryffindor
  • Durham= Ravenclaw
  • York= Hufflepuff
  • Winchester= Slytherin


We are extremely thrilled about this day of Literacy enrichment; students are already becoming excited about the prospect of playing Quidditch that day, maybe creating maps of Hogsmeade or the opportunity to study Transfiguration or the History of Magic. Students will follow their normal timetable that day, requiring bags and normal equipment.

The Harry Potter films will be running each lunch time in Ash Hall from after February half term in the run up to World Book Day. The Library will also be hosting lots of quizzes that week. In addition Miss Francis will also be offering sessions after school for costume ideas and designs- Weds 11th and 25th February in E12.

Please do contact myself if you have any queries regarding the day.

Yours sincerely

Miss L Lewis lewis.l@harriscofeacademy

Curriculum Team Leader of English and Associate Assistant Head Teacher