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Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page


Oakes 2025 Christian Union Trip

These are potential trips please be advised that these may change based on take up. 

TripYear Groups Trip Offered toOpen toRepeat periodsRuns next
Ski Y7 Y8 Y9Year groupsBiennially2025
RomeY8 Y9All studentsBiennially2025
KrakowY9 Y10History studentsBiennially2026
SorrentoY9 Y10Geography studentsBiennially2026
BerlinY9 Y10German & Art StudentsBiennially2025
BarcelonaY9 Y10Spanish & Business studentsBiennially2025
FrenchY9 Y10French & Business studentsBiennially2025
IcelandY7 Y8Year groupsBiennially2026
Pioneer CentreY7Year groupsAnnually2025
Reward TripsAllBased on Zero Referrals & attendance above 98%Biannually2024
Oakes Christian RetreatAllAll students preference given to regular attenders of Christian Union but all welcome if spaces availableAnnually2025