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Harris Church of England Academy

'While we have time let us do good to all’. (Galatians 6:10)'

Harris Church of England Academy home page

Rugby Borough Football Club Academy Trials - 3rd May 2021

Rugby Borough FC, a Nike partner club, are extremely excited to announce a “New and Fresh” approach to Football Education programs.  


Students will attend the state of the art football facility at Kilsby Lane, Rugby, playing within a progressive football program with elite level coaching whilst continuing their studies to prepare themselves for University or to follow their chosen career path.


The Football and Education Scholarship is attracting growing interest and gaining enormous popularity and with our program we’re not only providing football.  All learners will be given the opportunity to become a qualified FA Level 1 and  FA Level 2 Coach, a Referee or take part in the organisation and running of the many events held at Kilsby Lane or within the local community. We will also be running an apprenticeship scheme. 


The students will be given the chance to learn life skills and be mentored by local business leaders during their time with us at Rugby Borough FC. Whether it's advice on your career path, applying for apprenticeships or starting your own business, we can help. 


To that end, Rugby Borough Football Club would like to invite you to come along to our academy trial day on Monday 3rd May 2021 from 10.00-14.00.  

You will get the chance to meet the team and also learn more about what’s on offer to help you build the brightest future.

In order to register your interest please follow the link below.  If you have any questions, please email them to