PSHEE | ||||||
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Year 07 | Protective Behaviours - social interactions | Work related Learning - School, me and others | Mental Health - self care and support | The language around mental health. Citizenship in the community | Citizenship - active citizenship, ethics, human rights and law and order | Relationships and Sex Education, more information sent in half term before |
Year 08 | Protective Behaviours - conflict and self-care | Work related Learning - Rights in the workplace | Mental Health - self care and managing worry | Mental Health - Stigma and expression. Citizenship in the community | Citizenship - active citizenship; fairness, democracy and equality | Relationships and Sex Education, more information sent in half term before |
Year 09 | Protective Behaviours - Influences and drugs | Work related Learning - Skills, jobs and presentation skills | Mental Health - Resilience and Options for the future | Mental Health - the media. Citizenship in the community | Citizenship - active citizenship; the economy and taxes; the right to protest, media literacy | Relationships and Sex Education, more information sent in half term before |
Year 10 | Protective Behaviours - influences and negative trends | Work related Learning - recognising and presenting our strengths | Mental Health - Support services and FOMO | Self care - Drug education and managing exam worry. Citizenship in community | Citizenship - active citizenship; Personal finances; managing debt; work and pay | Relationships and Sex Education, more information sent in half term before |
Year 11 | Work related learning - Interview skills and careers | Work related learning - Preparation for success; mock interviews and careers | Mental Health - Self care and exploring University and other options | Supported study and exam stress management | Relationships and Sex Education, more information sent in the half term before | |
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) is a crucial part of all young people's development, and aims to help them become informed, active and responsible members of society. Areas covered within PSHEE include ways to keep themselves safe and healthy in later life; how to look after their mental health and that of others; how to manage their finances and pursue a career; and how to act in the interests of their local communities. PSHEE is taught by form tutors, to ensure a safe space for discussion with a teacher whom students are familiar with, and will encourage them to share their opinions and debate key topics. | ||||||
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) encourages students to widen their views points and to explore the beliefs of others. Students are prepared for their life whilst at school and their life beyond the school through a detailed and varied programme of study.
The aim of PSHEE is to develop the understanding of key issues that affect students throughout their life and to engage with these at a meaningful level. The course includes compulsory units on Sex education, Drugs education and Work related learning, which are all statutory requirements for all students in the UK, as well as many other units, which will give students valuable information on topics that will help them to shape their future at, and beyond Harris Church of England Academy.
Students are given the sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible. Students are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in their learning and to reflect on their experiences.
Students use their ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and lessons also develop their readiness to apply this understanding in their own lives. Students show a real interest in investigating, and offering reasoned views about, moral and ethical issues such as substance abuse and teen pregnancy.
Student’s use of a range of social skills in different contexts by exploring the diverse national, regional, ethnic, religious, cultural groups and communities in the UK and the connections between them. This is done through exploring the content of each unit within the above contexts.
Students are given the opportunity to understand that individuals, organisations and governments have responsibilities to ensure that rights are balanced, supported and protected. Students explore these ideals whilst investigating the laws and legalisation of substances such as drugs and alcohol.